
It is difficult to find the exact and perfect words to express my experience with Jill Schwartz & Associates. Mere words are not quite enough to convey all I have to share. From the beginning, I was treated with respect, compassion and sincerity. Jill is a fountain of knowledge and coupled with her professional experiences, she consistently provided information necessary for me to make informed decisions as I navigated through uncharted waters. As I search of the words to parlay my feelings of gratitude, my mind keeps visualizing very unsettled waters and a dock. Jill, John and Amy are that dock. They transformed the blindsided, fearful and confused me that showed up on their doorstep deflated and broken, in to the strong, knowledgeable and confident me now. How? Because they listened to understand, they trusted me from the outset and my plight, became theirs. Most importantly, they believed in me. Belief in another human is a powerful healer and I will never forget their kindness. The outcome of my reason for engaging with Jill Schwarz and Associates has proved to be very positive.  That aside, the true best outcome was the restoration of my professional confidence. For that, I cannot thank Jill, John and Amy enough and I will never forget. Thank you.

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Jill S. Schwartz and her colleague, Jeffrey Hammer, at Jill S. Schwartz & Associates provided timely, responsive, respectful, thoughtful, and professional advice. Jill’s insights, approach, integrity and clear-headedness were invaluable during a challenging time. Ms. Schwartz and her team were quick to respond, grasp the issues, communicate clearly, and recommend a course of action that made sense and led to a good result.

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